Here’s the first installment of my weekly project report thing :) Wish me luck!
So, not terribly long ago I decided it was really time to give microcontrollers another go; My history with microcontrollers in general has been a little sketchy, because not only are they pretty limited systems, but they don’t really allow a lot of creativity in solving your problems. Being mostly self-taught on ARM and x86 CPU architectures, the little 8-bit uCs generally seemed more like a pain than anything else.
However, I was determined not to let my history deter me, and to try again. I ordered some AVR DIP chips for prototyping and a serial programming cable. Unforuntately, like so many well laid out plans, this didn’t wind up working out – not knowing too much about the AVR landscape, I had inadvertently ordered a serial programmer that requires an actual native serial port to work (it wouldn’t do anything with my USB-serial converter… And seriously, who has a native serial port around these days?)
Being incredibly stubborn and unwilling to wait further to order yet another programmer, I decided to take matters into my own hands – After reading the AVR documentation on programming their chips (which is actually quite good), I put together a small CPLD based programmer which has served my needs. Read on for the full details…